Hello everyone! This is my first ever blog post (woop woop).
In May I had an opportunity to paint a logo for a new podcast called Our Roots. I met the creator Loni through an online community of Korean diasporic women. I'm so grateful that I found this community! It's been a blessing to meet and chat with other Korean women living overseas.
My brief for the logo was to paint a Korean pine tree. Loni sent me a few reference photos and I did some image searching too. I started off with sketches in pencil and then did small paintings. Next I learned how to use GIMP (photo editing software) to make mock-ups and see how the logos would look on a phone screen. The final logo is the picture on the right!
I was stuck in my room with covid when I was painting these so I had plenty of time to spare. It was so much fun! Please do check out the podcast.



